Welcome to Mario Darkness! This is a forum to disccuss ROM hacking for Super Mario 64, and primarily the leaked MariOS 64. Using the level editor of MariOS 64 we've found out a lot of information about Super Mario 64 that has allowed us to ROM Hack it. We have a ROM hacker application known as Darkness Hacker, which you can find in the ROM Hacks section. Make sure to read the rules and have fun!
Restoration has been completed on the forum, some posts will have incorrect dates due to this.
To any and all new users from the "MIPS Hole" website, hi.
Don't ask for anymore download links to Darkness Hacker, it doesn't work and the project has been discontinued after my cease and desist. - DarkAdmin56
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1. Please do not post anything NSFW.
2. Don't be a dick to people.
3. Don't feed the trolls.
4. Please stay on topic.
5. Do not bump threads older than a month.
6. Do not mention banned users. Specifically "Chaostanleyfan43."
7. Please be respectful of other users.
8. Have fun!